Saturday, January 24, 2009

Catching up!

Well, it has been forever since we have posted anything on our blog. We have all been busy in life. This picture is of our family in Sarasota, Florida at Aunt Ti Ti's wedding. Bailey was the flower girl, but a little shy at it. We all had a wonderful time in the warm FL sunshine. Bailey is getting ready to turn 3 years old in a month in a half. Wow, I can't even believe it!! We are excited about the upcoming arrival of Aunt Ti Ti's twin boys, Luke and James. They should be arriving in late March. Bailey can't wait to play with real LIVE babies.
Bailey is loving every minute of preschool. She has learned so much since she began in August and she has made lots and lots of friends. I am still teaching 2nd grade but at a new school much closer to home, 4 miles to be exact. I love it and it makes life so much easier. Justin is still working for Nexcen Franchise Management and traveling all over. Not much else is new with our family. We will be posting more pictures soon....promise!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Merry Christmas

Hello Everyone!
Its been so long since I have updated my site. I have been so busy that I have just kinda forgotten about it. Anyway, its getting close to Christmas. Mom and dad keep telling me this person is coming to see me, but he never comes. I have gotten his name down pat, its Santa!!! I've heard you must be a good girl for him to come and visit you. I am trying really hard even though mom thinks I am going through the "terrible two's" early. I have no idea what she is talking about :) I am excited because my "Grandma BG" is coming in 2 weeks to visit for 6 days, I haven't seen her in 6 months! Well, I guess I better go clean up my toys, mom keeps saying something about a messy room. Whenever this Santa person comes, I'll let you know what he brings me.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fancy Outfit

Okay, so this is my absoult new favorite thing to do. I love it play dress up
with my moms fancy shoes and sunglasses. Oh, and another thing I love to do is play with my moms necklaces and earings. Maybe one day I will be able to wear the "big girl" earings! Be back soon.

Go Dawgs!

So, football season is officially underway! My Nonnie bought me this really cute outfit for me to wear on game day. It's bringing my moms team pretty good luck too. I love to do the cheer "GOOOOO DAWGS, SICK'EM...RUFF RUFF RUFF. I have it down pat pretty good.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Butt Why Did You Take This Picture????

Okay, so my mom wasn't supposed to take a picture of me doing this!!! When Grandma Barbara was visiting I realling liked this purse that she brought with her. I carried it around all over and put lots of neat things in it. Thank goodness she didn't take it home with her, she said I could have it. Oh here in this picture, I was escaping bath time with mom :)

Fun Day Out

Hey everyone! We have been so busy this summer mom hasn't added very many pictures to this cool website thing. My grandma Barbara came and visited from Chicago in July and we had so much fun together. In this picture we are in downtown Atlanta. We visited the Georgia Aquarium and it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. Those fish were all so neat! I am still staying busy and growing lots. My mom's vacation is over now and I have gone back to play with my friends at "school" (aka Miss Sherri's house). I just love it! Be back soon.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Fun In The Sun

Hello everyone, look at my crazy hair! My mom and Aunt Suzanne were playing with me outside and I wouldn't wear at hat so they had to put suntan lotion on my head. I think my hair looks pretty cool like this, what do you think? For some reason they were laughing at me?! I will be back soon. Mom and dad are saying stuff about going to a place called the beach. I hope its a fun place. We are leaving in one week and everyone says I am going to have so much fun. Hope so! Be back soon with cute beach pictures.